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The Most Common Injuries From Car Accidents in Grapevine, Texas

Posted by Glenn Law Firm | Jan 07, 2022 | 0 Comments

Millions of people sustain auto injuries every year. Some suffer minor scratches, while others sustain enormous life-threatening injuries. Whichever the case, it is essential to seek immediate medical care. If left untreated, even minor injuries can lead to a long-term problem. This posts explains some of the most common injuries from car accidents

If you suffer from injuries or property damage, you have the right to seek financial compensation. In this regard, you must look for a personal injury attorney to help you determine if you have a potential personal injury claim.

At Glenn Law Firm, our accident lawyers will deal with the legal matters and help you get fair compensation.   

Common Injuries From Car Accidents

Auto injuries fall into two categories; impact and penetrative. Impact injuries are sustained when the body hits the interior of the car. For instance, the head hits the steering. Penetrative injuries are a result of cuts from broken glasses.

Some of the factors that determine the severity of the injuries include;

  • Whether or not the injured person was wearing a seat belt
  • The direction from which the car got hit. Was it struck from the front, rear, or side?
  • Did the injured person face straight ahead or had turned in a particular direction when the accident happened.
  • Was the car in a high-speed crash or low-speed collision? 
  • Did the vehicle have airbags? 

If you have never been involved in an accident, it is vital to know the type of injuries you are likely to sustain. Below are some of the common types of accident injuries in Grapevine, Texas. 

Cuts and Scrapes 

Once a car has a head-on collision with another, loose objects inside the vehicle are likely to fly about the car's interior. Things such as books, phone chargers, mounted GPS systems, or umbrellas can cause severe or minor injuries when they come into contact with your body. 


When involved in a high-speed accident, you are likely to sustain fractures. The force of the accident causes the car to absorb the impact causing the body structure to twist. If the vehicle structure comes into contact with your legs, arms, or ribs, the force may cause severe fractures.

In such a case, seeking medical treatment as soon as possible is advisable. Fractures require orthopedic attention to ensure proper alignment. A poorly aligned fracture may cause discomfort and lifelong distress if not corrected. 

If an accident victim has sustained fractures, it is advisable to wait for medical personnel to arrive before moving them. The fracture may cause partial or complete paralysis if not handled with care. 

Back and Spine Injuries

Back and most auto accident victims also sustain spine injuries. After a forceful impact, the lower back muscles, ligaments, and tendons may overstretch or tear. As a result, one may experience acute low back pain, muscle spasms, and tightness. 

Severe back injuries can also lead to long-term chronic pain, breathing, and mobility problems. Also, a sudden blow to the spinal cord and the vertebrae, discs, and ligaments can cause severe spinal cord injuries and bleed. 

An accident victim may also suffer from motor dysfunction if the injuries spread down the spinal cord. Additionally, if any of the 24 spine discs shift or bulge outward due to the impact, one can experience severe pain and serious complications. 

Generally, the severity of spinal injuries largely depends on the location of the injury, the intensity of the impact, and the general health of the victim. 

Neck and Shoulder Pain

The neck is a very vulnerable part of the body during a car accident. In comparison with your body held in one place by a seat belt, your head and neck jerk back and forth according to the impact movement. The forward and backward movements cause whiplash injuries and tear and damage the ligaments, neck muscles, and connective tissues.  

 The accident can also cause soft tissue injuries leading to shoulder pain, tenderness, and stiffness. Additionally, a high-impact collision can cause cervical spine and intervertebral discs to move out of place, compressing the spinal cord nerves. A pressed nerve may cause shoulder, arms, fingers, and neck weakness, numbness, and tingling. 

If you experience severe neck pain after an accident, do not move until an experienced medical provider arrives. The pain could result from a fracture and can lead to paralysis if the neck is moved improperly. 

Brain Injuries

An accident impact can cause the brain to move forward and backward, resulting in bleeding, bruising, and nerve fibers tearing. As a result, the accident victim may experience blurred vision, dizziness, confusion, or lose consciousness. 

Severe traumatic brain injury can lead to persistent headaches, inability to awaken from sleep, repeated vomiting and nausea, loss of coordination, slurred speech, or coma. 

Internal Bleeding

When a body part collides with a blunt object, blood vessels may be crushed or torn. The trauma on the blood vessels can cause internal bleeding. If not treated immediately. Internal bleeding can cause organ failure, coma, or even worse, death. 

Some of the signs of internal bleeding include; thirst, swollen and painful abdomen, vomiting blood, blood in the stool to urine, severe fatigue, or feeling cold. 

Compensation for Accident Injuries

Car accident claims largely depend on the circumstances of the accident. With the help of an excellent personal injury law firm, you could receive compensation for current, future, and expected medical bills. 

If you suffer severe neck or back injury, the treatment plan can be expensive, especially if you undergo chiropractic care. Additionally, if you suffer personal damage or loss of income, you are likely to suffer mental anguish due to the heavy financial burden. 

Unfortunately, insurance companies tend to treat accident victims with malice. They usually attempt to persuade victims to accept a low compensation amount or dismiss any compensation claim. 

Grapevine Personal Injury Lawyer

To get the monetary compensation you are entitled to, you need an experienced personal injury lawyer. When involved in either motor vehicle accidents, traffic accidents, drunk driving accidents, bicycle accidents, or commercial truck accidents, it is vital to seek the services of an accident attorney. 

The accident attorney is in charge of collecting pieces of evidence that will help in your compensation claim. The attorney liaises with your accident doctor and documents the types of injuries sustained. Additionally, the lawyer requests a police report from the accident scene and collects evidence showing driver negligence.  

If an out-of-court agreement is not achieved, the attorney moves to court. He represents all the evidence and pushes for total compensation of non-economic damages and punitive damages. 

If you are involved in a fatal accident, your loved ones undergo loss of consortium, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life. Luckily, an experienced attorney helps file for a wrongful death claim and recover compensation for the loss. 

Are You Looking for the Best Personal Injury Attorney in Grapevine, Texas?

At Glenn Law Firm, we have what it takes to ensure the insurance company pays you the amount you deserve. We have represented many victims with severe injuries and have seen the enormous medical bills that families have to bear. 

Therefore, we work hard to ensure you get all the finances you need to get your life back to normal. Call us today for excellent and professional legal services.  

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